Monday, September 3, 2007

Kids in Asia

There is a toddler yelling about some discomfort not far from me.

This is extremely rare.

There are kids everywhere in Asia - on the street, in shops, everywhere. And they are doing normal kid stuff, which is often being carried or directed to transport themselves by their parents. But they don't seem to mind, even when something goes wrong, like being denied candy. Kids here don't make a racket, as a rule. We heard a proper tantrum in Hong Kong, and when we looked over, it was a European mom trying to soothe her 4 year old boy. It's been striking me ever since - kids don't complain (audibly) or throw fits in public.

Wonder what that's about?


Richard Rortvedt said...

Happy Labor Day Vic and JJ. Helen is home this evening, and we have dueling Macs operating on our dining room table. Hers is MUCH faster and cooler (black). I have no insight on Asian kids; Latin American kids definitely do scream and through tantrums. Of course, my kids never did... Peace, D

hemanzero said...

dude. We have tons of theories about the toughness of thai babies and the amazing benefits of not being pampered like a tiny fragile flower. We would constantly see kids walking over uneven ground with the balance of a much much older american child, and not crying at every little bump on the knee. Expectations breed action, I always say (or do I?)...